Add/Edit a Custom Product
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Add/Edit a Custom Product

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Article summary

In this section, learn about custom products and how to add them to a count sheet.

Custom Prods

Can't find the product you are looking for in a product search? Create a Custom Prod! This button is found in the Items Module -> Prods Tab -> +Prod Page.

Why do I have to Create a Custom Prod?
Sonar's Products Catalog is always growing, but so is the world of instrumentation. Our data team is constantly adding and naming instruments. Add a custom prod to input the information needed for your count sheet and to put this instrument on our radar for naming and a picture!

Search for a Custom Product

Search for the product you are looking forbefore adding a new Custom Prod. The product may have already been created by a user in your facility. If you find it, click on it and hit "Select" at the bottom right of your screen.

Add a Custom Product


Use the dropdown arrow to select a supplier. If you cannot find the product supplier, click the "Add a Supplier"checkbox to type one in.

Part #

Enter the catalog number here. Avoid entering serial numbers or notes such as "BH109R Curved".


Prod Descriptions
Try Ascendco Sonar's standard naming procedure: use a Prod Type, turn Caps Lock off, and add as much information as possible. These steps will ensure the product can be easily identified in assembly, the OR, and on a count sheet.

Upon completing these fields, click "Select" to add the product to your count sheet.

Delete and Edit Custom Prods

Delete a Custom Prod from your Facility Catalog

Select a Custom Prod from the list and delete it via "Delete Selected Rows," if you do not want it showing up in your facility custom prods catalog anymore.

Edit a Custom Prod from your Facility Catalog

Click the lock to edit the supplier, part number, or description of a current custom prod in your facility.

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