Add Val / Certs
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Add Val / Certs

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Article summary

In this section, learn how to add Val / Certs in the Education People tab.

Add Val / Certs

Select Add on the Education Module -> People -> Val / Certs tab.

Fill in the required fields

  • Desc - Select the specific Type from the dropdown menu
  • Person - Select the user's name from the dropdown menu
  • Date - Specify the date the Val / Cert was passed
  • Validator - Select from the list of validators who was responsible for administering or approving the Val / Cert
  • Pass Or Fail - Select the correct outcome

The Validation Detail fields will adjust based on the Type of validation that is selected.


Upload media related to the specific validation. For example, upload an electronic copy of the user's certification certificate.


The filters within the user's Education profile can be used to adjust the view of the user's validations and certifications.

Validator - Filter based on who validated the Val / Certs for this user

From - To - Filter by a custom time frame by selecting the start and end date

Pass Or Fail - Filter based on the Val / Certs this user has passed or failed

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