Assembly Overview
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Assembly Overview

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Article summary

Track assembly of items with the Assembly Module. Use HD pictures, standardized nomenclature, and accurate suppliers / part numbers to mark instruments found or missing throughout your digital count sheet. Features during assembly include:

  • Item information such as priority, container type, container size, parameters, and weight.
  • Color-coded features to help the assembly process.
  • Insertable notes at a count sheet or single instrument level.
  • Acceptable facility cross references or do not substitute reminders.
  • OneSource integration at a single instrument level.
  • Information regarding if an instrument was previously missing from the item.
  • Documents assembly actions such as "Removed for Repair," "Removed Broken," and "Added from Backup."
  • Ability to view which case cart the assembled item was on in surgery, including the other items on that case cart.
  • Tracking time it takes to assemble the item, including an option for the user to pause their assembly.

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