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Cases Home Screen
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In this section, learn how to navigate and use the Cases Module home screen, the List View.
Click on a case once to highlight it. Double click on a case to enter into the case detail view. For more information about after you enter into a case detail view, visit Cases Detail.
Even after the alignment process, there will be items that are not properly mapped between the systems. Some functionality is limited for unlinked items. It is important to have processes in place to identify and remedy the issues related to unlinked items.
Top Buttons
Use a barcode scanner to scan the pick ticket barcode on the paper pick ticket. The case detail view will open.
- Search by Item - Search for cases with a specific Item. Search by name and make a selection down to the inventory number.
- Export - Use this to export the case schedule to Excel.
- Edit Case - When using the Manual Cases Module, use this to make changes to the case date/time, surgeon, room number, and/or procedure name
Use the search bar to find specific cases. Search by case number, surgeon name, procedure name, or case cart.
The home screen automatically refreshes every 15 minutes. Clicking the refresh button will update the list.
Color Key
- Incomplete - None, or some but not all, of the inventory needed for the case has been scanned to the case cart(s).
- Turn - The case is Incomplete and at least one of the inventory will need to be turned to be available for the case on time.
- Risk - The case is Incomplete and at least one of the inventory will not be available for the case. More severe than Turn.
- Complete - All of the inventory needed for the case have been scanned to the case cart(s).
- Complete and ToOR - The case is Complete and the case cart(s) are properly staged. The cart(s) are where the OR wants them prior to pulling them into the room for surgery, generally outside the OR room
- Cancelled - The case is no longer going to take place. It has been cancelled.
Filter Options
The list view will update immediately after selecting a filter option. The default for each filter option is listed below.
- Today - All cases scheduled today.
- Tomorrow - All cases scheduled for tomorrow. This is the default view for the home screen.
- Today & Tomorrow - Both cases scheduled today and tomorrow will be listed.
- Custom - Select a specific date to view the cases scheduled for that day.
- All - Do not filter by case status. This is the default view.
- Incomplete - Select to filter down to all cases that have none, or some but not all, of the inventory needed for the case. If there are missing items not scanned to the case cart(s), the case is considered Incomplete.
- Complete - All of the inventory needed for the case have been scanned to the case cart(s).
- Complete & ToOR - The case is Complete and the case cart(s) are properly staged. The cart(s) are where the OR wants them prior to pulling them into the room for surgery, generally outside the OR room
- Cancelled - The case is no longer going to take place. It has been cancelled.
Select to adjust the list based on the order of cases for each room (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). The default is to display all cases.
Select a specific specialty to filter the list of cases. The default is to display all specialties.
Select a facility from the dropdown to view or edit cases from another facility. The All option is available as well. The default for this filter is to show the cases for the location you are currently logged in to.
Cases List View - Case Overview
The Cases home screen list view displays a high-level overview of scheduled cases. The default is to display the overview list, but you can toggle the arrows along the lefthand side of the screen to see more detail about each case.
Theorder of cases for each room (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc).
The operating room the case is scheduled for. The case ID is also listed.
The date of the case and the scheduled start time.
Surgeon & Procedure
The surgeon scheduled to perform the case and the name of the specific procedure.
Once a case cart has been scanned to the case, the name of the case cart will display.
Current Location
If a case is not complete and has not been delivered to the OR, this field will be blank. The room will display once the case is delivered ToOR.
Any notes documented in the detail view will be listed here.
Cases List View - Case Detail Summary
The Cases home screen list view displays a high-level overview of scheduled cases. The default is to display the overview list, but you can toggle the arrows along the lefthand side of the screen to see more detail about each case.
If a tray has been scanned to the case already, the pRef will display. Otherwise, the field will remain blank.
The name of the item. Sonar will even recommend a specific inventory number for linked items.
Current Loc
For all linked items, the current location will be displayed. If the item is Not Tracked By Inv No, the current location will not display.
As Of
The date and time that the item was scanned to the current location if displayed.
- Pull - The inventory is ready to be picked (on the shelf, waiting after sterilize, etc).
- Need - The inventory will need to be turned to be available for the case on time.
- Risk - The inventory will not be available for the case. This is more severe than Need.
- Picked - The inventory has been scanned or added to the case
- EMRNeedsFix, EpicNeedsFix, CernerNeedsFix - The EMR record is not in alignment with Sonar. The record needs to be fixed in the EMR system. Sonar cannot recommend a specific item or inventory number.