Configure Quality Events
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Configure Quality Events

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Article summary

In this section, learn how to create, edit, or delete a quality event type.

Top Buttons


  • Delete - Select to delete this event type (Note: instead of deleting, you might want to use the Active checkbox to control the visibility of this event type.)
  • Cancel - Select to leave the event type detail view without saving any changes to the information


When finished creating or modifying the event type, click the Done button to return to the Quality tab home screen. Selecting the Done button will save your work.



Check the box to make the event type active. If the box is unchecked, the event type will not be visible in the Add dropdown on the Quality Events tab.


Select Event from the dropdown menu.


Assign a unique name for this event. This is the name that will display in the Add dropdown on the Quality Events tab.


Select which of your facilities should have access to this event type. Choose All if your event recording process is standardized across all facilities.

Managing Quality Events
It is highly recommended to establish a quality assurance team or individual to manage quality event setup and data. Especially when standardizing the event tracking process across all facilities. Guidelines should be created for the assurance team to adhere to for event type creation and editing.

For Inv

Check this box if events of this type are related to a specific item or inventory instance.

For Case Carts

Check this box if events of this type are related to a case cart.

Item Types

Select an item type from the dropdown menu if events of this type are specific to an item type.

  • Camera
  • Pack - peel packs / singles
  • Power - saws, drills, batteries, etc.
  • Scope - flexible and rigid
  • Set
  • Vendor Set - owned, consigned, and loaned


Select where events of this type actually take place. This is usually the location the event is recorded as well.

For Decon Receiving

Check this box if the events will be recorded by the technician responsible for the Decon receiving scan point. If this box is checked, the event subtype options will show as checkboxes in the Decon Module.

Prod Catches (Event Subtypes)



Click the Add button to create a new event subtype.


  • Print Labels - Print a label for the selected event subtype
  • Delete - Remove the selected event subtype from the list

Adding or Editing Subtypes

To add a new line, use the Add button. You can modify the information at any time by clicking on each field.


This is the name of the subtype. It is the event that actually occurs in the real world. Make sure to use a unique and descriptive name.


The event subtypes are grouped into larger buckets. Level types are:

  • OR Infection - Event resulted in or could result in patient infection
  • OR Hurt - Event resulted in or could result in patient injury
  • OR Delay - Event resulted in a delay to the procedure
  • SPD Hurt - Event resulted in or could result in SPD technician injury
  • SPD Delay - Event resulted in a delay to SPD processes

For Prods

Some events can and should be associated with a specific instrument within a set. Check this box to make it possible to select a specific instrument while recording an event of this type and subtype.

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