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Sterilize/HLD Params
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In this section, learn how to add, edit, and delete sterilize or HLD params at a facility and health system level.
Search Bar
Search for a sterilize or HLD parameter by name.
Add or Actions -> Add
Add a sterilize or HLD parameter. Enter the parameter information on the right, assign a facility(s), and select Save.
Actions -> Delete Selected Rows
Select a parameter and delete it from Sonar.
To edit a sterilize or HLD parameter: select a parameter, enter the new information, and select Save.
Sterilize Parameter Properties
The method of sterilization: ETO, HLD, Low Temp (Sterrad, VPro), or Steam.
The sterilize or HLD method name.
Exp Temp
The target parameter exposure temperature, if applicable.
The unit of measurement for the sterilize parameter exposure temperature: C or F
Exp Minutes
The target quantity of minutes for theduration of exposure at defined temperature.
The target quantity of seconds for theduration of exposure at defined temperature, if applicable.
Dry Time
The target quantity of minutes for the duration of the dry time.
The target quantity of seconds for the the duration of the dry time, if applicable
The target pressure of the sterilize parameter, if applicable.
No BI Required
Check this box if the sterilize parameter does not require a Biological Indicator (BI) to be included in the load.
No CI Required
Check this box if the sterilize parameter does not require Chemical Indicator (CI) to be documented in the verifying stage of the load.
No BD Required
Check this box if the sterilize parameter does not require a Bowie Dick (BD or Dart Test) to be included in the load.
Skip Double Check
Check this box if the sterilize parameter does not require a staff double check in the Sterilize Module. If left unchecked, staff must have another user scan their badge in the verifying stage of the load to document that two people confirmed the load was correctly recorded in the system.
Check this box if the sterilize parameter is an IUSS load.
Group for Complex BI
Sonar can support complex requirements related to biological indicators being included in loads. The first time a load is ran with a parameter from each group, the load is required to have a BI included.With this field blank on all of the parameters, Sonar considers there to be one group, and it will only require a BI to be added on the first load after the Bowie Dick or Dart Test.
Check this box for your facility to have access to this sterilize parameter.
Check this box for your facility to have this sterilize parameter be the default selected upon choosing the applicable sterilization method.