Deliver Items
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Deliver Items

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Article summary

In this section, learn how to deliver items to locations.

Just Follow the Steps!

1. Scan or select a destination

Scan a clinic, department, or location barcode to auto-select that destination for delivery


Choose a destination by selecting a location from the table. Use the filters provided for a quicker search.

2. Then add items or case cart

Add items by scanning their production or permanent barcodes


Manually add items by selecting Add and searching for the item.

 As the user scans / manually adds items, the items (and inventory numbers if applicable) will populate on the screen.

3. Then scan destination of click deliver.

After adding an item(s) to a location:

Scan the clinic, department, or location barcode again to deliver the items


Click the Deliver Button.

Delete an Item from a Delivery

Delete Button

Select an item and then select Delete to remove it from the delivery.

Reset Button

Clears the delivery of all items scanned and the location selected.

Trying to Delete a Delivery that has Already been "Delivered?"
If the user has already rescanned the location barcode or clicked Deliver to complete the delivery, there is no way for the user to undo this scan. However, they can just deliver the item(s) to their correct location afterwards. Sonar will reflect the location of the most recent scan point.
If the mistaken delivery is part of a workflow rule such as Out for Repair, which resets the usages of the item inventory, then the user should contact Ascendco Support for a correction.

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