Edit a Countsheet
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Edit a Countsheet

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Article summary

In this section, learn about entering or editing product quantities, alternate part numbers, and other product properties within the item count sheet.

Click on an instrument from the count sheet to edit any information on the right.

Product Area


The count sheet par of the selected product.


The name description of the selected product. This is not an editable field.

Product Name Standardization
A majority of products in Sonar have a standardized name such as Clamp Crile Curved, 6 1/4in. This name structure is meant to help users and OR staff to easily identify the product, but it also has other positive effects towards instrument purchasing, tracking, analytics, and quality. This naming structure is designed to be an industry standard - can you imagine if each technician, hospital, and supplier called this instrument the same thing?
Prod Alias or Description changes
In some cases, a facility may need a description change to the standardized product name. Contact Sonar Support to have these changes made.


The supplier (vendor) of the selected product. This is an uneditable field.

Part No

The primary part number of the selected product. This is an uneditable field.

Change Button

Brings you back the the products catalog in which you can search for a new product to replace the one selected.

No Subs

Checking this box indicates that there should be no alternative part numbers for the selected product.

Critical if Missing

Checking this box indicates that the item needs the selected product and should not be sterilized without it. If missing upon finishing the assembly, the print screen will show that a critical instrument is missing and move the "Delivering To" status to "Hold for Missing Instruments."

Assembly Area

These fields will be seen by the user in assembly.


Free text any necessary information associated to the selected product.

Alt Part No

Acceptable alternative catalog numbers for the selected product. Enter as many as needed, separated by a comma and space (SU2737, 32-4041)


If the selected product is not a custom prod, the OneSource button will take you to the OneSource website with the product's reprocessing information.

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