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Edit a Load
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Part 2: All other edits such as deleting and reprinting.
Part 1: The Fix Button
This action can be used by Sonar authority levels of supervisor, manager, and admin. Its function is to edit any of the following details of an active or released sterilizer load: date/time, sterilizer, parameter, and/or load number. Please note that changing a load detail via this button has no effect on any load other than the load you are changing.
1. In the Sterilize Module, click on Fix.
2. To help find the desired load(s) you would like to edit, you may enter a specific date, method, and/or sterilizer and click on Filter.
3. Identify the load(s) you would like to edit and make any necessary changes. In the pictures below, I am changing Sterrad 01 Load 04 to Sterrad 01 Load 03.
4. Once you have complete your edit(s), click on "Apply" to save your changes.
Part 2: Changing Load Status to Make Edits
The ability to delete a sterilizer load is a user preference set up by your manager in Facility->User->Prefs
1. Find the load you would like to edit and double click into it.
2. You may need to change your load status based on whatever it is you would like to edit. If you want to edit the contents of a load (trays, quantities, BI presence), you need to be in to status Building. If you want to edit BI results or sterilization details, you need to be in status Verifying.
3. To reprint a sterilization report or status change summary, click on Actions, then the corresponding action.
4. To delete a load, click on Actions->Delete. Note that loads that are marked as Released or Failed can only be deleted by admin users or Sonar Support with approval from an admin level user.