Facility: How do I modify Sterilizers & Parameters?
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Facility: How do I modify Sterilizers & Parameters?

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Article summary

You may need to make changes to your sterilizers or sterilization parameters in Sonar after reviewing an IFU, when receiving a new product, or upgrading your physical hardware.

Add/Edit/Delete a Sterilizer Parameter

1) Click the drop-down arrow on the Facility Module and select Sterilize Params.

The ability to change sterilizer and parameter information is only for Admin Sonar users. Admin users are the only users with access to the Facility Module.

2) To edit a sterilizer parameter property, select the parameter, make the change(s) on the right side of your screen, and click Save.

3) To add a sterilizer parameter, click on Add, then complete the fields on the right side of your screen, and click Save.

4) To delete a sterilizer parameter, click on the row to select it, then click on the Actions button and select Delete Selected Row.

Add/Edit/Delete a Sterilizer

1) Click the dropdown arrow on the Facility Module and select Sterilizers.

The ability to change sterilizer and parameter information is only for Admin Sonar users. Admin users are the only users with access to the Facility module.

2) To edit a sterilizer/properties, select a sterilizer, make the change(s) on the right side of your screen, and click Save.

3) To add a sterilizer, click on Add, then complete the fields on the right side of your screen, and click Save.

4) To delete a sterilizer, click on a sterilizer, then click on the Actions button and select Delete Selected Row.

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