Facilities -> Notifications Home Page
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Facilities -> Notifications Home Page

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Article summary

In this section, learn about the Facilities Module -> Notifications Home Page, including how to search and filter to find present and past notifications.

Where do users view these notifications?
Note that only admin users have access to the Facilities Module. All users receive these notifications upon logging into Sonar and can also access them at any time via the bell icon located in the top right of the screen.

Search or Add

Search Bar

Search for a notification under the specified date range and filters.

Add Button

Add a notification. For more information, go to Add a Notification - Setup Tab.

Filter Options

Filter Button

Once the filters are entered, select to apply.


Select an option between Active, Inactive, and All. Inactive describes notifications that are past the designed time frame or selected as inactive. Active is the default option.


Select a facility from your health system. All facilities is the default option.

Scheduled To...From

Select a date range.

Viewing the Table

Double-click to see more details about the notification.

You may also edit notifications by double-clicking, making the change, and selecting Done.

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