General: How can I set up an item to be replaced after several sterilization cycles?
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General: How can I set up an item to be replaced after several sterilization cycles?

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Article summary

Instead of creating new inventory every time a tray needs to be replaced, we can make use of the Replace every X cycles feature in Sonar. This can only be configured by users with access to the Items module. To read more about where this is set up, refer to the Items General tab.

To make use of this feature:

  1. In the Items module, search and select the Item that you would like to set this up for.

  2. Fill in the Replace every __ cycles field in the General tab, under the Repair / Replace / Reprocess section.

  3. Set the Serial Number for the tray in the Inventory tab.
    It is important to be careful when entering the serial number because this feature does not catch duplicates.

  4. After a tray has been processed as many times as specified in the Replace every __ cycles field,the user will receive this pop-up the next time it is assembled:

  5. The user must then enter a new serial number for the tray to proceed.

In case of emergency and a replacement cannot be found, a supervisor needs to scan their badge to allow the assembly to continue without replacement.

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