Facility: How to set up and print location barcodes
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Facility: How to set up and print location barcodes

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Article summary

To add a location to Sonar, you must have an Admin account. 

To access the Facility module to add a Location, you must have Admin level user permissions.

1) Navigate to the Locations tab in the Facility module

2) Click the Add button at the top to add a new location

3) Fill out the location name

When creating a new location, make sure to define the location attributes:

 Skip Ster - Skip sterility check. If a non-sterile Item can be in this location, this attribute should be turned on. (Ex: it is ok to scan non-sterile items to Decon or perhaps when sending non-sterile instruments from the OR at building 1 to the SPD at building 2). If a non-sterile Item is scanned to a location without this attribute, a red-screen warning will let them know this action is not allowed.

Dirty - An Item will be considered dirty if it is in a location with this attribute (Ex: Decon)

Not Avail - An Item will be considered unavailable for Case Picking if it is in a location with this attribute (Ex: Emergency Case Carts)

4) To print this new location barcode, highlight the row and select Print Labels from the Actions drop down menu.

5) Choose your permanent label printer and click Print.

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