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Item Product Tab
5 Articles
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Item Product Tab
5 Articles
in this category
Products Tab Overview
This area is used to create, delete, or change products (instruments), notes, and their properties within the item count sheet.
Add a Product
Add a product to the item count sheet. Select + Prod to load the following screen: Add Item Product Search Bar Search for a product by name or part number. In the next box, you may filter by prods in your facility, health syst...
Add/Edit a Custom Product
In this section, learn about custom products and how to add them to a count sheet. Custom Prods Can't find the product you are looking for in a product search? Create a Custom Prod! This button is found in the Items Module -> Prods Tab -...
Edit a Countsheet
In this section, learn about entering or editing product quantities, alternate part numbers, and other product properties within the item count sheet. Click on an instrument from the count sheet to edit any information on the right. Product Are...
Notes & Actions
In this section, learn how to add notes directly into a count sheet, move instrument positions within a count sheet, and other count sheet actions. Add A Count Sheet Note A note box will appear below the prod selected on the count she...