Load - Released / Failed Status
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Load - Released / Failed Status

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Article summary

Release (Pass) or Fail the load by changing the status from Verifying->Released or Failed

Double Check

At some facilities, upon selecting Released, a double check screen will appear that requires another user to check the work of the user on the verify screen and scan their badge to acknowledge that everything checks out. This option is also available for the Building status when moving to Sterilizing.

The options to apply Double Checks can be configured by Admin users in Facility -> Sterilize Params

Load Report Printing Options

Upon clicking Released, this printing option will appear.

If the user would like a load report to be printed, select a printer from the dropdown menu and the number of copies. Then check the Print Sterilizer Report box and click OK. This will release the load.

Sterilizer Report Options
Would you like the Print Sterilize Report box to be automatically checked upon selecting Released? Would you like the option to print a sterilize report after a load fails? Would you like the option to print a sterilize report after the Building status? If your facility would like any of these options to be implemented, contact Sonar Support so we can set this up for you!

Failing a Load

Upon selecting Failed, the user will enter information as to exactly why the load failed. Once complete, select Done.

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