People Home Screen
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People Home Screen

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Article summary

In this section, learn about the tools and filters on the Education Module > People home screen.

Add & Actions Buttons

Add Button

Use the Add button to create a new User.

Actions -> Delete

Select a user to delete them.

Config Warning
The list of users in the People tab in the Education Module is pulling from the list in the Facility -> Users tab. When deleting or adding people from the Education -> People list, they will also be added or deleted from the Facility -> Users list.

Actions -> Export

Use the Export button to export the visible people data to excel.



Use the Facility filter to change the view to a specific Facility's education Types.


Use the Group filter to narrow the view to a specific Group.

Groups are completely customizable. Use the Education -> Groups tab to create or edit groups.

Approved For

Use the Approved For filter to change the view to see the people who are approved for specific Requirements.

Needs Approved For

Use the Needs Approved For filter to change the view to see the people who are NOT approved for specific Requirements.

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