Pick a Case Cart
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Pick a Case Cart

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Article summary

In this section, learn how to document picking a case cart.

Add Items to a Case Cart

As with all deliveries,

1. Select / Scan a case cart.

2. Scan / Manually Add items.

3. Rescan Location Barcodes / Select Deliver to deliver to items.

For a more detailed explanation, visit Deliver Items.

Pick the Case Cart

First, the user will want to complete the delivery of items to the case cart. Then select Pick.

Pick Button

Select to get started on picking a case cart.

Case ID - Enter a case ID, found on the preference card for an individual.

Is Add On - Select if the case was an add on to the schedule.

Case Date - Select a case date and time.

Room - Select an OR or surgery location

Surgeon Name - Enter a surgeon name

Missing Inventory - Enter any items still needed for the case.

Set up an auto-generated email report
Would you like a list of each case cart's missing inventory? Contact Ascendco Support to set up an automatic report sent to a list a requested users' emails at a specific time each day so that the team can be aware of their needs and plan accordingly!

Printer - Select a printer to print the documented information (optional).

Copies - Select a quantity to print

Edit a Case Cart Pick

Once a case cart has been picked, delivering additional items to a case cart will pull up the pick screen with an option to remove any of the documented missing items. This can also be done without delivering items by selecting Edit.

Clear a Case Cart Pick

All information is cleared from a case cart pick upon the case cart being scanned in decon.

A user can also clear a case cart pick by selecting pick, entering new pick information, and selecting Save.

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