Products Tab
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Products Tab

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Article summary

Information in The eCount Sheets Module is not editable. This Item properties and information are configured by managers and admin users in Items Module -> Specific Item.

This area is used to view the count sheet of an item with detailed information for each item product.

Scroll through the count sheet to view the products and select them to view their detailed information.

Product Information & Tools

Actions Button

Hides or shows pictures during assembly. Note that the default is to show pictures.

Search Bar

Search for a product in the count sheet by partial / full part number or name.

# Lines / # of Products

The 112 : 131 in the picture above represents the number of rows in the count sheet (including notes) : total quantity of products in the item.

Notes in the Count Sheet

Notes can be in the count sheet or attached to a specific item product (detailed below). A note in the count sheet has no additional information other than the Note section to the right and does not include a picture or product quantity.

Product Par

The count sheet quantity for an item product is listed in the last column of the product row.

Product Area


The count sheet par of the selected product.


The name description of the selected product.

Product Name Standardization
A majority of products in Sonar have a standardized name such as Clamp Crile Curved, 6 1/4in. This name structure is meant to help users and OR staff to easily identify the product, but it also has other positive effects towards instrument purchasing, tracking, analytics, and quality. This naming structure is designed to be an industry standard - can you imagine if each technician, hospital, and supplier called this instrument the same thing?
Prod Alias or Description changes
In some cases, a facility may need a description change to the standardized product name. Contact Sonar Support to have these changes made.


The supplier (vendor) of the selected product .

Part No.

The primary catalog number of the selected product.

No Subs

A checked boxindicates that there should be no alternative part numbers for the selected product.

Critical if Missing

A checked boxindicates that the item needs the selected product and should not be sterilized without it.

Assembly Area


Notes for the selected product.

Alt Part No.

Acceptable alternative catalog numbers for the selected product.


If the selected product is not a custom prod, the OneSource button will take you to the OneSource website with the product's reprocessing information.

Actions & Done Buttons

Actions -> Print Count Sheet

Print the item count sheet.

Done Button

Return to the eCount Sheet home screen.

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