Quality Overview
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Quality Overview

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Article summary

The quality module provides an opportunity to measure compliance on trays from assembly to OR use. Are missed indicators or incomplete trays causing delays in the OR? Did OR staff forget to spray instruments or mix the instruments between trays? This module and the timely reports surrounding it will give you an answer to these questions and not just hold staff accountable, but also pinpoint any problem areas so that leadership can more easily identify the root causes.


Perform quality audits on sets at any point after assembly—waiting for sterilization, in sterile storage, or even in the OR. Record quality events in decontam after a case cart comes down with issues. This module will provide a customizable checklist at a tray level and an instruments level and provide real-time emails as events occur. Here are some examples:


Tray Level Events: Internal indicators, external indicators, wrong indicators, incorrect instrument, missing critical instrument, bioburden present, instruments not assembled, sharps present, no instrument spraying, etc.


Instruments Level Events: Incorrect instrument, incorrect quantity, broken, assembled incorrectly, needs lubricant, etc.

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